May 13, 2012

Not the Mother's Day we Planned

Getting ready for a sleepover with Maddie at Wolfson's. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes this morning. I'm so grateful I KNOW God has a good plan for her, for awesome friends & family to pray for her, and for lots of good diabetes mentors in the family (including her dad, uncle and granny).

Here was my journal entry from Mother's Day morning:
Up bright and early this Sunday  morning with tears in my eyes.  We are pretty sure (Sam is positive) that Maddie has type 1 diabetes like him.  She has been looking really thin and has been drinking water non-stop all day/night yesterday.  We plan to test her blood when she wakes up and then call the ped to see where to go from here.  I am just praying God has a huge calm come over her to not be afraid and to know He and all of us will take care of her.
I know we will have a lot of rough times ahead learning the ropes and getting everything worked out with insulin.  I pray we will draw closer to God and lean on him and feel his hand on everything.  I am so thankful that both Sam and I rely on God and trust God has a good plan for Maddie in this.  Let us feel that, live it out and give God glory.  Let it be genuine for me and Sam, not just what we think we should say or feel.  Please give Maddie peace and comfort in this.  Please give us words and actions to grow her faith -- and ours -- through this.  I'm such an emotional person and I pray I can hold it together and not cry over everything. Please God, help me there.  I want to be strong -- in my head I am -- I just cry when overwhelmed and nervous.  I don't want that to be an outward sign of lack of faith because I 100% believe God will be with us and for us through it all. 
Please help us find the right doc, specialists and treatment plans for Maddie.  Please accelerate the cure for diabetes.
I've been feeling for some time that I was being prepared to go through something.  I thought it would be a health thing with me (and it still may be).  God let me not waste any of it.  Let us grow, strengthen our faith, strengthen our love, prove to be genuine and obedient.  Let us see you.  Let us grow closer as a family.  Give us unity in decisions.  Have your hand firmly on our decisions.
Sam and the kids Mother's Day Eve at Cheesecake factory:

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